Wednesday 10 February 2016

Future Proofing Your Home

I mentioned at the beginning of the year that we have some DIY plans for 2016. These have already started with our garden plans getting underway, a summer house is being installed in a few weeks and to say I'm excited is an understatement! We've waited a long time to try and get our garden organised, so I'm really pleased to get things going.

We're planning on having a summer house to store the bikes and the kids garden toys - all of which are currently cluttering our under stairs cupboard! It will also be a place to relax and watch the kids play. I'm looking forward to getting my fingers green and making our garden a little piece of heaven!

If, like us, you are planning on doing some renovations this year it's worth considering making your home "future proof". With technologies advancing all the time it's worth taking advantage of this to make family life easier for you. As a busy mum of two, plus both my husband and I have hectic careers we need all the help we can get to make everyday life run that bit smoother. I was told about Phil Spencer's new Channel 4 series "Home Hero" and watched him do exactly this, future proof people's home. I was flabbergasted by the technologies already available, like a kettle and washing machine that can be controlled by an app on your phone - what mum wouldn't want this?!?!

This series follows Phil who helps homeowners create a multi-purpose garden, up-cycle flatpack furniture and create a stylish work-from-home space (the blogger in me needs this!). This series has already given me a lot of inspiration for our current garden project and ideas for projects for later on in the year and I'm super impressed with a lot of his suggestions.

So as I await our summer house to be installed, I'm now thinking about patio, play area and (something that is completely alien to me) plants. Bring on spring!

Are you currently working on any projects at the moment? Have you got any "future proof" gadgets installed in your home?

Mummy B xoxox

*Collaborative Post.

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