Thursday 28 January 2016

Could your family benefit from a clothing clearout?

organising your family's clothes

Is your clothes storage technique more floordrobe than carefully closeted? Today we're talking space saving, clear outs and ultimate storage spaces, is it time you took control of your family's clothing collection? Read on for some top tips!

Regular clearouts

In a way hoarding is almost inevitable as a parent. Even if something isn't being used by you or the little ones regularly, you find yourself thinking it might be needed for some obscure fancy dress outfit one day and so it might be best to hang on to it, just in case. It can also be pretty tricky to pursued the kids to give up their favourite item of clothing when its long passed fitting. Countless children have walked around in too short jumpers purely because they love the character pictured on the front and they can't bear the shouting and screaming that ensues when we try!

Regular clearouts are a real necessity if you want to be able to navigate your collective clothing pool without stepping over items on the floor. And, this time of year when you're all at home and have new items to add to your collection is the perfect time to sort through things. You could donate unwanted items to charity - many put collection bags through the door or you can drop stock at a shop or into one of the Salvation Army clothing banks.

You may also want to consider selling items as the cash can come in particularly handy after the Christmas holidays. Although the weather might be a little cold for standing around at car boot sales, there are still many indoor and outdoor sales running at this time of year, so check your local press to find one and ask around to see how they're rated. Online re-selling has also come a long way with ebay now competing against apps such as depop, vinted and schpock.

Finally, clothing swaps with friends and neighbours are a great inexpensive way to socialise and can help you keep up with the clothing needs of growing children. Could you host an event in your home and combine a clear out with a few nibbles and a natter?

Select a storage strategy

If you're going to the effort of having a proper good clearout it's only logical that when you put away the things you're keeping (old and new) that you try and enforce a system. With kids, getting them to stick to putting socks in one drawer and underwear in another is often tricky enough but with your own clothing sorting by colour and size certainly makes it easier to know what you have clean. Plus, when it comes to your next clear out you'll be more aware of which items you have and haven't worn recently. You might make an agreement with yourself to get rid of anything you've not worn in the last two years so that you can keep plenty of space to navigate your wardrobe. Yes, something might come back into fashion or you may squeeze back into the size one day, but is it worth the hassle of coping with less space?

If you have a lot of clothes you simply aren't willing to be parted from you could opt to organise seasonally - swapping your spring/summer and autumn/winter clothes into your drawers and wardrobes as the weather changes and storing the opposite seasons clothes up in the loft (with the help of some decent moth protection).

Curate your clothing collection

If you've got the space and a collection of clothing that you've been lovingly assembling for years, sorting out some special storage space might be the ultimate present to yourself. When your clothes and shoes no longer fit in your wardrobe it's time to consider whether they deserve a home of their own and who wouldn't love a walk-in wardrobe? If you don't have a spare room to repurpose, you could consider converting your attic or garage. Whichever you opt for, add some bi-fold doors like these from Vufolk and you'll be able to see your full collection before you step inside. Which, let's face it is a lot more convenient than simply settling for the first item you come across in your floordrobe!

How do you manage to keep on top of your family's clothing collection? Do you donate items to charity or sell them on? Where have you had selling success? Is a walk-in wardrobe the ultimate dream addition to your home or are you already organised?

Mummy B xoxox

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