Sunday 24 January 2016

5 Ways I Try To Save Money Each Month

Easy Ways to save money each month

Being on maternity leave, whilst lovely, can be a stressful time when it comes to finances. With less money coming in and another little person to feed & dress it can become a bit of a challenge. Bizarrely, it's one that I have actually enjoyed trying to manage. I am, by no means, an expert when it comes to money. In fact I have a lot to learn if my bank statements are anything to go by. That being said I think we're coping ok (even if dear old dad may have had to bail me out a couple of times - damn car... thanks dad!). 

So how exactly have I managed to save money each month now our income is around £800 less each month?

Switch Supermarkets

I was once a food snob, but I have changed my ways! We used to shop in Morrisons or Tesco but now shop at Aldi. Our weekly shop used to cost us between £70-£100 each week it now costs £30-50. That is an incredible saving and it makes me slightly miffed that I didn't switch sooner. I have grown wise to Aldi, I know the stuff to avoid (which isn't much to be honest) and the stuff that is just plain delicious! Of course Aldi doesn't stock everything that we need, so I do tend to nip to Tesco's too - but I'm still saving a huge amount each month. 

Make Meat go Further

We eat a lot of meals that use mince, like spaghetti Bolognese, shepard's pie etc. To make the meals cheaper (and healthier too) I like to add veg or lentils to bulk it out a bit more. I have been doing this more and more - no one really notices. My waistline is now smaller and so is my purse. 

Local Markets

I also like to go to my local markets to pick up fruit and veg. You can get larger quantities which usually work out cheaper than buying at the supermarket. The best time to go is nearer the end of the day to grab a real bargain! For example, last week I got four avocado's for £1 at my local market. In Aldi they're 88p each! Another great way to save a few pennies each month.

Sell, Sell, Sell

Keep meaning to have a clear out? Then do it! It's a great way to make a little money and you can get rid of clutter! I either sell on ebay or Facebook. I find with Facebook selling groups you can get a quicker sale. Last month I sold a couple of items and made £50.


Ok, now I swear I'm not sponsored by Aldi but have you tried their nappies or wipes? They're brilliant and are sooo much cheaper than other brands. With Darcie she always wore Pampers, they cost me around £14 a week and I used Huggies wipes which where around £1.50 (though they're often on sale for £1). Aldi you can get a large box (98 nappies) for £6.99 and a pack of four wipes for £2.99). That's a huge saving of £10.02 each week!

Of course there are pleanty of other ways you can save money each month, but these are just a few things I tend to do to keep us ticking over. 

What ways do you try and save money each month?

Mummy B xoxox


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