Monday 3 August 2015

Holkham Beach

Yesterday, as you would of seen, was our first Wedding Anniversary and Jamie surprised me with a little day trip to Holkham. It's a place I have never been before, but one that has been on my 'places to visit' list for a while now. Holkham, located in North Norfolk, is one of the most beautiful little spots in the county - I can't believe we haven't been before.  We were Darcie free for the day, but I would love to return with her as it's the perfect place for families. 

We started our day with a walk to the beach, which boasts four miles of golden sands, dunes, and pinewoods to explore. Holkham beach was even voted 'Best Beach in the UK' amongst a survey of travel writers! The only thing to note with Holkham, is that it is a long walk to the sea front, if you have little ones it may be worth just bearing that in mind. We were quite happy to explore the dunes and shallow lagoons as it's safe to say baby boy was getting "aggravated" with all that walking!

After our walk we headed towards Holkham Hall and decided to stop off for some lunch at The Victoria Inn. The food is exquisite and prides itself on locally sourced food, including shellfish, fish, samphire from the north Norfolk Coast, beef from the farm on the Holkham estate and lamb, pork or fresh fruit from adjacent farms.

It was so nice to find a little nook amongst the hustle and bustle of the bar, we were able to reminisce and look to the future too - exactly what you're supposed to do on your anniversary.

After filling our bellies we headed to Burnham Market for a little browse around the shops. Though nothing caught our eye we were just happy wondering. The ice cream also went down a treat too!

 Looking forward to making Holkham a regular visiting spot for our family and making more memories for us to treasure. 

Mummy B xoxox


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