Friday 12 June 2015

Quiet Activities

My little three year old can be a bit of a world wind at times, charging around in full imaginative play, normally causing havoc around the house. I have to say, I do love watching her play. I adore to see her wonderful imagination come alive. However, there are occasions were I would love Darcie to spend the afternoon doing quiet activities, especially after a good spring clean! Last week we did just that, Darcie spent a good amount of time doing a quiet activity with me and her Granny. My mum got her a little snail set which you then paint and keep. 

If I'm truly honest, I'm terrible at doing crafts and often rely on going to different toddler groups for her to get her fill. With maternity leave just around the corner I want that to change and I'm definitely looking for some more activities for us to do together - especially as I won't want to charge around after her whilst heavily pregnant! 

I would love to hear/read about your own little craft projects with your little ones. I'm thinking of doing a painting with Darcie for her little brothers room, I think it would make the perfect keepsake and gift from Darcie to baby. 

Please share with me your ideas.

Mummy B xoxox

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