Sunday 7 June 2015

Funky Giraffe Bibs | Review

Bandana dribble bibs are something which I adored when Darcie was little. Not only are they practical but they are also rather stylish as they can be easily integrated into an outfit whilst being super functional. However, over the years I have found the good, the bad and the ugly! Sometimes dribble bibs are often too thin, causing numerous changes through the day and leaving your little ones sore and agitated - not good if they're already grumbling because of teething. Over recent months I have seen quite a few bloggers mention how fantastic Funky Giraffe bibs are, and with baby number two just around the corner, I was very happy when I got an opportunity to review them.

I opted to pick out a few individual bibs, you can buy packs of 5 and 10 but I wanted to test the water (especially as at the time I didn't know if we were having a boy or girl). I opted for some fairly unisex bibs, but now we know we're having a boy I will be soon making another order as there are some fab designs for boys. The variety of bibs for both boys and girls is vast and I'm sure you could find something that your little ones will love. With bibs costing £4 each or £20 for a pack of 10 you really can't find fault. Plus the more you buy the more you save too!

The quality of these bibs are what made me fall in love instantly, they're sooo much nicer than other brands we have tried and again I can't fault their quality. They are very soft to the touch made with cotton, with an extra super soft layer on the back that is very absorbent, leaving your baby/toddler comfortable. Each bib has a double popper which allows you to get the perfect fit, and also allows for the bib to "grow" with your child - so perfect for teething tots too!

Despite Darcie being three we have still tested them out on her, these are the perfect bibs for on the go when your little ones have the odd messy treat (it is ice cream season, so super handy!), and as they're so absorbent they mop up spills very well. One plus all mums will be glad to hear is that they wash very well, hurrah!

As I said, I'm already about to place another little order on more boy'ish prints ready for his arrival, as these are such a mummy essential and can never have too many. Right??

Have you tried Funky Giraffe bibs?

Mummy B xoxox

*Items were sent to form part of the review, all thoughts, opinions, images are my own.


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