Monday 22 June 2015

28 Week Bump Update

28 weeks. Seriously can not believe just how quickly this pregnancy is going! I will blink and it will be September I'm sure! I thought I would just do a quick bump update as its the start of my week full of appointments. Today I had my 28 week consultant appointment where I had the first of three growth scans.

This was a lot different to my prior scans as they literally were just busy taking measurements, checking fluid levels and placenta - very little talk about actual baby to me directly! It was a very long appointment, lots of waiting around which made me a little anxious. But after 2.5 hours I came away feeling confident that baby is doing just fine. In fact he is doing so well he is now estimated to weigh a whopping 3lb 2oz already and is on the 95th centile! This made me even more relived I'm having a planned section! It does amaze me how the scans work and how they can estimate weight, I know they can be way off however but he is looking to be a tall bubba just like his sister and Dadda.

My dizzy spells have eased this week too, so I'm hoping when I have my GTT on Thursday it will come back negative. I'm thinking that this baby is just zapping all my energy the little piglet! I have still been very lucky that I have no stretch marks, though I'm sure this will change at the rate he is growing. All in all I'm feeling positive and dying to meet him at the beginning of September - though lots of people are convinced that he will come early...

Mummy B xoxox


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