Saturday 23 May 2015

Weekly Shop in just 25 mins | Aldi

The weekly shop is always something I dread. I take far too long, I'm never organised, I always forget something and above all I usually spend far too much. Occasionally when I have a little time on my hands, I will sit down and plan out our weekly shop. This always leads to a better experience but at as a full time working mum, pregnant and blogger my time is very limited!

Aldi are celebrating their 25th anniversary and they set me a challenge to do my weekly shop in 25 mins. When discussing this with others they have said 'oh, that's easy", but normally I spend between 45 mins to an hour doing mine! I always spend too long looking at offers and mentally trying to plan meals as I shop. If I'm honest as well, I never normally do my full weekly shop in Aldi, I just pop in to get my midweek bits and bibs, so I was actually quite excited to see what I could get (in 25 mins) for a full weekly shop.

I had great intentions of planning out my meals, but alas, life just simply got in the way and it ended up being a mad dash one evening after work when I had a window in my schedule (nothing new there!). Thoughts? I was utterly impressed. Not only did I manage to do my shop in 25 mins, the prices were so fantastic along with the vartiey and quality, I ended up doing a two week shop for the price of my normal weekly shop (£80)!

As I mentioned, I didn't go in with a meal plan, but I have managed to create some fantastic meals. So far this week we have had;
  • Stone baked pizza with salad, sundried tomatoes, olives and balsamic glaze.
  • Jacket potato with coleslaw, cheese and salad.
  • Chilli with home made potato wedges.
  • Lamb Kebabs, cous cous, corn on the cob and salad.
  • Lasagne with salad and garlic flat bread.
My fridge and freezer are still packed with plenty of meal options to keep us going next week. I also want to mention that they have some great products for pack lunches as well. I always make myself and Darcie (when she is at her childminders) a pack lunch, but I always struggle to find a variety of snacks that do not cost the earth. Some of our favourite finds includes their dried fruit and snack bars.
 Do you shop at Aldi? I would love to know your favourite buys. Also, I think from Thursday (28th May) there is a Baby Event which I am looking forward to picking up a few bits for baby no. 2!
Mummy B xoxox

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