Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The Right to Shared Parental Leave

My maternity leave is just round the corner and even though I love my job, I am very much looking forward to playing the 'stay at home mum'. If you are due to go on maternity leave soon, you might want to explore some of the options available to you - especially since on the 5th April of this year something new was thrown into the mix. Shared Parental Leave.

Shared Parental Leave is something that I am pleased to see is available to families. Dad's are often overlooked and sometimes I feel they are seen as insignificant. I know if I was male I would hate the thought of going back to work after two weeks off with my newborn! The new option of Shared Parental Leave is something me and Jamie have discussed, but I don't think it will be completely viable for us in our current situation. I am due to have a c-section and will need alot of time to recover (I have quite an active day job) and Jamie starts a new position at work where it wouldn't really be possible for him to have much time off as it may impact his career. Though we have discussed this as an option, we didn't really delve into the in's and out's of how it actually works. Luckily, the fantastic people at Citrix GoToMeeting have produced a fantastic infographic on everything you need to know about shared parental leave that came into force this year, so hopefully it may be helpful to those of you thinking about this as an option for your baby/future babies.

Do you think this is something you would/would've considered? I would love to know your thoughts.

Mummy B xoxox
*Collaborative Post.

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