Tuesday 5 May 2015

It's a....


Yes, you may have seen on social media that we're expecting a little boy! My inkling was right and we will now even up the numbers adding a little boy to our household. Darcie has taken to the news of a little brother so well, despite her trying to correct the sonographer by saying that her baby brother was in fact a girl! She did make us chuckle! But baby boy turned his face to the screen and started (well it looked like he was) blowing kisses, she then went all mushy and boasted that it indeed was her baby brother! She has even picked out a name for the little chap too (though me and Jamie are still trying to figure out whether we like the name or not!)

Finding out we are expecting a boy has been lovely, it now makes everything feel more real and I'm so excited to meet him and see him with his sister. 

September can't come quick enough!

Mummy B xoxox

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