Tuesday 12 May 2015

Deep Cleaning with VAX Dual Power Reach Carpet Cleaner | Review

Today I am here with something that has literally changed my life for the better and yes, that life changing item is the VAX Dual Power Reach Carpet Cleaner. You may be wondering why I have become so excited over something so ordinary, so let me give you a little background...

We bought our home back in 2011, when we were dog free and childless. We were convinced that cream carpets were going to look beautiful in our brand new home and whilst I was right, three months later that all changed. We rescued our dog, Lady and then another three months later I fell pregnant with our daughter. Over the last few years our poor carpets have really been put to the test with dog hair, reflux, juice spills, mud and colourful drawings, I have tried my best to keep them as clean as I could but my once cream carpets were now more of a greyish tone and actually looked rather embarrassing. Over Easter we even looked into replacing our living room and hallway carpet, knowing another baby will be gracing us in September we felt our carpets probably wouldn't be suitable for a baby to explore on. We priced up new flooring and were surprised at the cost, so we decided to hold out a little longer. I then received an email asking whether I would be interested in trying this wonderful machine out, I of course jumped at the chance in order to try and save my carpets one last time.

This carpet cleaner has worked miracles and made my cleaning such a breeze, I have become obsessed at seeing the results. I have taken some pictures on my hallway mid clean, a high traffic and problem area, now it looks how it did in those first few months of living here. As you can see there is no question on whether or not this is worth the money, because quite frankly just look at the results! It's certainly a lot cheaper than our original plan of purchasing new flooring! I mean, look at the image below, I can't believe how filthy they were despite me cleaning them by hand regularly.

Another added bonus is its ease of use. It has a double tank system, one for the cleaning solution and water and the other for all the dirt and grime. These are both easy to fill and empty and quick to use. This cleaner also has powerful rotating brushes that deep clean the carpets and have completely rid the carpet of dog hair. In actual fact I am so surprised how much dog hair its removed it has made me question whether or not my hoover is actually any good! My one and only criticism is that you have to clean out the brushes regularly whilst using if you have pets like us. It's not a biggie as it clearly shows that the cleaner is simply doing its job. One final plus is that it also boasts a long reach extension which is perfect for stairs and hard to reach areas, ensuring everywhere gets the full spring clean.

I am now well and truly over the half way mark in my pregnancy and nesting has already started to set in. wanting a clean and tidy home ready for your new baby is only natural and knowing that my carpets will be fit for our beautiful baby boy has put me slightly at ease. 

In preparation of your little ones arrival did you experience nesting? Do you have any tips for mums-to-be?

Mummy B xoxox

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