Wednesday 18 March 2015

First Trimester // Baby #2

It will come as no surprise that I have found the first trimester tough at times, I'm sure the lack of blogging is a big giveaway! It's such a roller-coaster ride when you are pregnant - not that the ride stops when you do eventually have the baby! There are so many emotions you go through before that 12 week scan, all the worries and fears, constantly googling whether this and that is normal. It's no different when it's your second baby.

In all fairness I think the biggest hurdle when you're on baby #2 is the fact you already have another little one to run around after! I have suffered with tiredness, just as I did with Darcie, but I have been unable to come home from work and just fall asleep on the sofa this time round! I have developed a lot of headaches as well, I'm guessing because I have been so tired and unable just come home and relax. One saving grace, is I have experienced minimal sickness - which I am so thankful for as I really suffered with Darcie!

When it eventually came to the 12 week scan, a mixture of nerves and excitement set in, but we were soon put to ease when we saw our healthy little bubba relaxing away in there. We decided to take Darcie with us too, we are very open with her, and she really loved the experience. It's lovely to see there is already a bond forming there. 

So, I'm now 14 + weeks and starting to have a little more energy, I'm really looking  forward to baby's 20 week scan where we plan to find out baby's sex - I'm already thinking its a boy! 

How did you find your first trimester second time round?

Mummy B xoxox

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