Saturday 28 February 2015

Life Lately

Well hello there stranger. Its been a while. I think its safe to say that this year I was completely full of good intentions with regards to my blog, but somewhere along the way this month I seemed to have lost my mojo! Now, in my defence, this hasn't solely been my own fault. This month we have had problems with our internet, boiler, and car resulting in it being a very expensive month. I have also been ill, it just seems to be one thing after the other in our house!! BUT, fingers crossed I'm feeling better, the issues have been sorted and I have some really fantastic posts lined up for you and some exciting news to share with you soon. 

So this post is simply a "I'm sorry" post. On the other hand its been really nice to just switch off for a while, but I soon felt that a big part of me was missing so knew this temporary absence, was just that, temporary. I feel particularly awful as I'm behind on my own "Mummy B Photography Challenge" - now thats bad! But I have been taking the photo's I just haven't been able to upload them (due to my lovely internet problems!) so I plan to do a catch up post, so make sure you look out for that.

I also have to do our Disneyland Paris blog post! We had such an amazing time, it was truly magical and we made such wonderful memories that I will always treasure. 

So, apologies guys - but I'm back!

Speak soon

Mummy B xoxox 

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