Sunday 1 February 2015

52 Week Photography Challenge | Week 5 - Lifestyle

Can you believe we are already on week 5?!?! This year already seems to be flying by at such a fast rate that I'm finding myself not able to keep up. So this weeks theme is 'Lifestyle'. I decided on this theme as my blog is a 'family lifestyle' blog and so thought it would be a fitting and an interesting theme. I think this one has given me the biggest headache so far - an image to define our lifestyle? Or lifestyle in general?

I decided to capture something that was just everyday, fairly mundane but still beautiful. This week has been a hard week, I have been feeling very run down and have come home from work everyday with very limited energy - Darcie has been under the weather too. So yesterday whilst preparing dinner, Darcie asked to help. I whole heartily agreed because I knew we hadn't really done anything much fun together and Darcie loves to cook/bake, so helping out at dinner is one of her favourite things! 

As always I'm really interested to see your interpretations so make sure you come and link up and spread the love!

Mummy B xoxox

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