Thursday 1 January 2015

How to keep your blog organised throughout 2015

As with most years, January is a month were I feel the urge to try and get organised, whether it be at home, work or on the blog front. Today, I thought I would share with you some of the things I am doing to try and be a wee bit more organised whilst blogging throughout 2015.  First thing I have been doing is setting up a couple of spreadsheets on my MacBook, I have created a schedule spreadsheet so I can have a good overview of the month ahead and also another spreadsheet keeping track of any earnings. 

This is something I am working on filling up over the next few days whilst I'm still off work. It's quite nice to see it all laid out. 

Next, I got myself a new diary. It was a cheap one from Tesco, but I actually really love it! The way it is laid out is perfect for keeping a blog schedule along with my day to day non-blogging appointments etc, so everything is in one place. I also like the fact that I now have a computerised schedule and paper copy too, which is good for working on the go!

Thirdly, I have decided to try and only blog on evenings where Jamie is working, to try and ensure that family time isn't taken over by the blog. I think this will be do-able, he does shift work so it varies from week to week but I should get around 5 evenings over a two week period where I can solely dedicate to writing. Of course, if I feel like doing extra blogging for whatever reason, I will but I want to keep it to a minimum. I'm hoping to get posts out every other day, but I'm not going to go crazy if I don't. I hate putting too much pressure on myself!

Lastly, I will be making more use of my social media apps like Buffer & Hootsuite, to try and get my posts "out there". Due to working full time, this is an area I struggle with, but I have found these apps a life saver (when I have remembered to use them!).

What would be your top tips to get your blog organised? Any apps you would suggest?

Mummy B xoxox

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