Monday 5 January 2015

Gruffalo in the Woods!

Tomorrow I go back to work, after having two glorious weeks off. The 'January Blues' may well sink in but I'm staying up beat and positive because we have lots of lovely things to look forward too. As much as I love the holidays, I am very much looking forward to getting ourselves back into a routine. Whilst on holiday I get way too comfy and put all my usual jobs get put to one side, its safe to say I get into the full "holiday" mode and become a lazy bum!

 Anyway, I digress... Yesterday, we decided to have a bit of a family day, as I'm back to work on Tuesday (I'm fine with that... honest *silently sobs*). We spent the morning with Jamie's folks having a good catch up and then headed to Thetford Forest High Lodge Centre so Jamie and my Dad could do a spot of mountain biking whilst me, Darcie and Sarah (my step-mum) headed to the Gruffalo Trail. Darcie was very grumpy but it was very cold. Not long after the above photo was taken she was wanting to go in her pushchair for a nap... Well I say she was wanting a nap she was about to go in to a full blown tantrum, but luckily she got nice and comfy and soon drifted off.
Darcie asleep in her BOB Revolution Pro Pushchair (review coming soon)

Despite her grumpiness, we had a lovely walk nattering about our upcoming trip to Disneyland trying to sort out dates when we are all free - not any easy feat!

Throughout the trail there are various activities that the little ones can complete. I think on a slightly warmer day when little miss isn't in a grump, it would be nice to take her again so she could get involved with all the activities. She is getting to that age now where she loves to do things like this! 

If you would like to go on your own Gruffalo trail there are lots around the country at various Forestry Centres, you can find your nearest one HERE.

Have you been on a Gruffalo Trail?

Mummy B xoxox

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