Sunday 18 January 2015

52 Week Photography Challenge | Week 3 - Simplicity

Hi guys and welcome to week 3 of the 52 Week Photography Challenge! This weeks theme is 'simplicity' and I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone's interpretation! I don't there has been two photo's even similar throughout this challenge so far - which just goes to show how creative you all are!! 

For this weeks theme I was really struggling (again!) as to what to photograph, and when having a cup of tea yesterday - a light bulb started flashing in my head! We are a nation who loves tea, a simple love that lots of people struggle to function without. 

Last week, again, there were so many fantastic photo's that were linked up so please make sure you go and check them out if you haven't already done so. Next weeks theme is 'light'.

Mummy B xoxox

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