Sunday 11 January 2015

52 Week Photography Challenge - Cold

Welcome back! This week's theme was "cold", I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's interpretation. For me, I found it really tricky. Last week I had a beautiful frosty image and so didn't really want to go down the same route. One morning, when Darcie was playing in her room, she asked for her Elsa dress. Once it was on and she was in full Frozen mode, I knew I had my image for this week. I mean you can't get much colder than Frozen - right?! 

Whilst I set up this project to better my photography skills, I still love to take images of her. In my opinion if you can photograph a child then you can photograph anything! Here Darcie is in the middle of a perfect rendition of "Let it Go".

Thank you so much to everyone who linked up last week. I loved looking at everyone's images and felt so inspired. Please make sure you go and check them all out - there are some gooden's! If you didn't link up last week but would still like to partake - please do, its all just for a bit of fun and to help each other improve. 

Mummy B xoxox

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