Saturday 27 December 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014 

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas, spending time with loved ones. It has been a very special one, which has seemingly topped off one hell of a year for us. 

We spent this year at home, with all our immediate family coming to us, it was hectic and fabulous all at the same time! Jamie's brother & wife, Kristina, came to stay with us for a couple of days. Darcie loved every minuet of their stay, they are two of her most favourite people! We spent the morning sharing gifts, playing with endless toys that Darcie was lucky enough to receive and preparing Christmas dinner. 

Santa was very good to us, and we were all very fortunate to have some amazing gifts this year (more on that on a later post). However, one gift, which we all were extremely happy and excited for, is a trip to Disneyland Paris next year! I just can not wait to share with Darcie the magic of this place, you are never too old (or young) to see the real magic of Disney! 

"I go see Micky Mouse now..."

With her "favourite" so "I can be like mummy". 

On Boxing day, we decided to take Jason & Kristina to Bury St. Edmunds, Kristina had never been and Jason had not been for a few years. As you will know if you're a long time reader, I love Bury. The Abby gardens, the quaint town, lovely restaurants and great shopping too. It was the perfect way to get some fresh air and stretch our legs. 

Iphone snaps

Overall this Christmas has been such a good one, because we were able to spend it with our family, which, lets face it, is the best thing about Christmas. 

I would love for you to share with me and my readers how you spent your Christmas day, or any other post relating to Christmas, maybe what santa got you (my post to follow)? Please feel free to leave your links below.

Mummy B xoxox


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