Wednesday 31 December 2014

Best of 2014

2014 has well and truly been good to us. It's the year we finally got to say "I do" and have our first holiday as a family of three. We both have had exciting opportunities with our work lives and my blog has grown this year too (thanks to you guys). 

To celebrate 2014 I'm going to share with you a few of my favourite posts to hight light all the fantastic parts of the year.

Essen & Brugge - This year I got to go away with my pops, to Essen & Brugge. We went on the overnight ferry, a first, and had some much needed quality time with just me & my Dad.

Easter Egg Hunt - I LOVED this Easter! We set up a Easter Egg hunt in my Dad's garden for Darcie, it was the first year that she could get into the spring festivities and it was so much fun to see the joy on her face!

Day out at Gt. Yarmouth - This was one of my favourite family days out, mainly because it was such as surprise because its a place I ordinarily hate! It was like it was a taste what summer had to offer, we ate good food, Ice Cream, went to 'Joyland' and even took a horse and carriage! 

Darcie Turned two - We spent the day at Bewilderwood with family, and it was so much fun! Would like to take Darcie again in 2015, there is so much to see and do!

My Hen Do - My bridesmaids set up the perfect hen do for me, a day at the spa followed by a lovely evening with friends and family.

Our Wedding Day - The most perfect day, better than what we dreamed. We are so thankful to our family and friends for making all our dreams come true. Can we do it all again?

Our Honeymoon - We honeymooned in St. Ives, and it was honestly the most perfect honey1moon we could of dreamed of. Everything was perfect, the cottage, location, choice of food and all the activities we got to do. Darcie still talks about it now and asks to go back!

I turned 26 - Closer to 30 but hey who's counting!

Pumpkin Picking - At first for us, we took a trip to a P.Y.O farm and absolutely loved it. Planning on going next year but earlier in the season this time.

Christmas 2014 - Again, was a really lovely day that just topped off the year perfectly. We were incredibly lucky that we got to spend the day with both mine and Jamie's families and feel incredibly grateful for the gifts we received. Including a trip to Disneyland Paris in 2015!

What has been your highlights of 2014? 

Mummy B xoxox

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