Thursday 16 October 2014

Healthy Halloween Toddler Treats

Healthy Halloween Toddler Treats with Aldi 

With Halloween just around the corner, we decided to take on Aldi's challenge to make some healthy Halloween treats for little ones. We were kindly sent some ingredients and some ideas of some rather spooktacular treats. I have to admit, I haven't really shopped at Aldi's before but I have been pleasantly surprised. The price of the items gobsmacked me and did wonder whether quality would be risked - but it hasn't! I'm looking forward to discovering more that Aldi has to offer in November, when one opens in our town. Anyway, I digress, lets look at these tasty treats!

First up is a set of vampire teeth, which would be perfect if you are having a Halloween party! You will need apples and almonds for this - which Darcie LOVED! You need to cut the apples into eighths and then split (very carefully, as this bit is tricky) the almonds in half. Then slot the almonds into the apple to make the teeth, you can cut the 'teeth' into points for that vampire effect!

Darcie liked to put the almonds in - but mainly she liked devouring the leftovers! To add to the spookiness we decided to make some rather gruesome, ummm, vomit - otherwise known as guacamole! Aldi kindly sent us some scrummy avocado, sea salt and lime. Simply mash the inside of the avocado, add salt and squeeze half a lime and your good to go!

Lastly on our Halloween food special, we decided to have a go at making Frankenstein! 

To make Mr Frankenstein we used half a pepper, olives and goats cheese. One thing we learnt doing this was we are no artists, but we had lots of fun doing it!

We are always told "don't play with your food", however I actually LOVE this kind of activity with toddlers. Its such a good way for them to explore and try out a variety of foods - Darcie really loves avocado's now so I will certainly be buying more!

What tasty treats have you got lined up for Halloween?

Mummy B xoxox

* We were kindly sent ingredients from Aldi's to make these treats.

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