Wednesday 1 October 2014

Autumn Activity // Leaf Crown

Leaf Crown Activity

Toddler autumn activities leaf crown

Hello all, can you believe its the first of October? I can't, this year has flown by and to be honest, it really doesn't feel like October either with this unseasonably warm weather!

Today I thought I would share with you an idea that I kind of pinched from Darcie's nursery, The Leaf Crown.  I have by no means of showing you 'a how to', just this pretty cute picture I snapped of her showing off her creation she made whilst at nursery yesterday. But basically, they have used sugar paper double sided tape and leaves they collected (along with pretty coloured fabric leaves too) on a little walk. Pretty simple, but fun activity for tots!

We will be making our own for sure!

Mummy B xoxox

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