Monday 29 September 2014

Review // The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie, Review in Partnership with Suppose.

The nights are drawing in, its getting slightly chillier outside and evening's snuggled up with your family are just beckoning to be had an evening with a good film sounds pretty perfect. So when I had the opportunity to do just that - I jumped at it! I was kindly sent by the lovely people at Suppose, The Lego Movie. It's a film we hadn't seen, but was on our list of ones to watch. I was slightly dubious when it started, and wondered if it was going to be one our whole family would enjoy. But to quote the Sunday Mirror as labelled on the front of the DVD - its AWESOME! The humour in it is something that can keep the adults entertained, and then fun loving characters keep children amused - even Darcie giggled in a few places. 

So, what's it about? An ordinary guy called Emmet (Chris Pratt) is mistaken as being the Master Builder, the one who can save the universe. With the aid of an of mystic Vitruvius (Morgan Freeman), as tough young lady calld Lucy (Elizabeth Banks), and Batman (Will Arnett), Emmet will fight to defeat the evil tyrant Lord Business (Will Farrell) who is determined to ruin their universe by gluing it together. This film is defiantly aimed more at older children, with the story line and pot twisters I know Darcie probably almost definitely didn't take it in - though she seemingly enjoyed it all the same!

If you're thinking of films to add to your collection and you don't already own this one, make sure you add to your list! Especially with Christmas just around the corner! You can track the very best prices for The Lego Movie and everything else you are lusting over at Suppose.

Mummy B xoxox

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This item was sent for the purpose of the review, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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