Tuesday 9 September 2014

Organic Beauty Week Challenge

The fantastic people at Green People challenged me to swap something from my daily beauty regime that is non-organic to something that is. Having already been converted to a number of their products, I decided to opt for a body scrub. A body scrub is something I don't skip out on, I will do a body scrub around two times a week. I have been pretty happy with my current scrub and haven't deviated from that one for around four years! So the Green People did have to come up with something amazing!

They kindly sent me their Sugar Scrub which is 95% organic and does not contain micro-beads (which are very controversial at the moment). Micro-beads are often found in scrub products, I have used products with them in before, the reason they are so controversial is, ultimately these plastic beads end up in our oceans causing problems for marine life. Not something I had ever considered before, but I will now think again before buying products containing micro-beads.

Back to this wonderful Sugar Scrub! When I opened the tub I couldn't help but breath in the heavenly scent! I can't quite place it but looking at the ingredients it contains, coconut oil and jojoba oil - so heavenly!! The scrub itself is a nice consistency, I like my scrubs to feel like they are working. When applying the scrub slowly melts away and starts to moisturise the skin - it feels so luxurious! 

I have to admit, Green People have done it again. I'm converted. The main reason for this is just how moisturised my skin feels without having to actually moisturise (something that I sometimes forget to do!). I really am falling in love with this brand, everything I have tried from these guys really haven't failed to impress. If you have never tried anything from them, make sure you check out their website, I'm sure you will find a new organic love - just in time for Organic Beauty Week. 

Have you been using anything organic in your beauty regime this week?

Mummy B xoxox


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