Monday 11 August 2014

St. Ives Honeymoon Day 6-9

Hi guys! I'm back again with another update of our wonderful honeymoon... hope I'm not making anyone jealous in light of the awful weather some of you have been having lately!

All the last few days have blurred into one, I can't actually describe just how wonderful this trip has been. I think it has been especially nice to be able to just switch off for a change and not have to worry about anything! 

We have mainly been having beach days recently as everyday they have threatened rain, so every morning when we wake up with glorious blue skies we immediately head out to the beach in order to make the most of the weather. But we did take a trip to the Eden project.

The Eden project is somewhere I have wanted to go for a while, it wasn't around when I used to go  to Cornwall as a child, but have always been intrigued when I have seen photos. One big draw to the place was the fact they had a dinosaur exhibition at the moment - Darcie loves her dinosaurs (thanks for that peppa!). Here are a couple of pictures of our visit...

The Eden Project was a definite hit, plenty to do, lots of interactive elements and perfect for any age! It cost around £23 each for me and Jamie (Darcie was free) but this gives us free entry for a year - not bad if you're locals!

Like I said, the rest of the past couple of days have been beach days, surfing, sandcastle making, flying kites, stuffing our faces with chips and ice cream... what more could you want!

We only have four days left now, there is still a couple of things left I would like to do before we leave. Like a boat trip to see if we can see any seals, dolphins or Baskin sharks and also to the Minack Theatre but both these things depend on the weather... lets hope we stay lucky! 

Mummy B xoxox

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