Friday 22 August 2014

26th Birthday Wish list

In just over a month it will be my 26th birthday... closer to 30 than 20...! Anyway, I have been having a little think about what I would like, but to be honest I couldn't think of my usual long list!! I think as I'm growing older these "material" things are becoming less of a "necessity" than they used to be when I was younger. Having said that here are a few things that I have had my eye on. 

I have been wanting a new lens for a while now, I have decided on this one for more portrait shots and perhaps close up product shots. Its one of the cheaper lenses you can buy but I have heard wonderful things about it!

The make-up bag, I really hope I get (hint, hint). It has been designed and produced by Hannah Maggs, an amazing blogger & Youtub'er, so would be lovely to support her.

The Pandora ring has Darcie's birthstone (June) so I think it would be a fitting keepsake... don't you think?!

The rest are clothes items I have been eyeing up a while. I love the floral print by Joules, and I really love the fit of Next shoes, always comfy even for work!

Is it your birthday soon? Do you have an ever growing wish list?

Mummy B xoxox


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