Wednesday 30 July 2014

GM Diet/Cleanse Review

I have come to the end of the detox, well I did over 5 days ago now! SO my thoughts??

Well in total I lost 9lbs and I'm completely blown away. 9lbs in just 7 days is pretty amazing, and to be honest it wasn't that hard. The only day I really struggled was day two, the vegetable day, probably due to the lack of sugar! Five days off of the diet I haven't gained, so I feel its not one of those diets you do and then pile loads of weight back on. I have been careful about what I eat, doing this diet changed my outlook on food, which is key when you want to get serious about losing weight. I no longer think "oh one more biscuit won't hurt"...! I also LOVED that I didn't have to calorie count. I detest calorie counting. I'm determined to never calorie count again!

I would recommend this diet to anyone who has a special occasion coming up, or who wants to kick start their weight loss journey. Pinterest was my friend during this and kept me inspired for meal ideas! Instagram was also helpful for motivation! 

On another note.... I GET MARRIED ON SATURDAY!!!!

Mummy B xoxox

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