Friday 4 July 2014

Count Down till "I Do"

What a week. So all the wedding stress got to me this week by making me a little ill! Having spent most of the day asleep, I now feel better and ready for the crazy three weeks (and one day) that lay ahead. 

I am so looking forward to saying "I do", its been a looong time coming, a lot of organising and late nights deciding just how we want to celebrate. I'm feeling we're on track but there are still a quarter of the favours left to make, table decorations to complete, alterations to be made, but it will get done (it has to get done). 

Darcie has been a little star amongst the craziness, being so patient at fittings and meetings, taking everything in her stride. As usual. 

I can't wait to share with you all our hard work. Its been a long 18 months since we got engaged, and I really hope our hard work pays off. There is so much I currently want to share with you but I'm going to hold back... don't want to spoil the surprise! 

So here is to our day, let the count down begin!

Mummy B xoxox

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