Thursday 10 July 2014

Choosing The Right Honeymoon For You

A honeymoon is supposed to be one of the most memorable getaways of your life, so choosing the right honeymoon for you and your partner can be a little challenging. 

For us, choosing was a little difficult, especially as we had a little person to consider. The first step was to decide whether or not our little person was going to be with us or to have a traditional twosome honeymoon. The decision was easy, we knew we had to include her and share this wonderful holiday as a family. 

Next step was to decide whether we wanted to go abroad or stay in the UK. A major consideration here is your budget, especially if you're honeymooning during school holidays like we are. You can, of course, get some amazing deals, with options of all inclusive or beautiful self catering villas. Here you must also consider what you want from a honeymoon, ultimate relaxation? exploration? or both?  We decided we wanted both, we knew with a two year old, two weeks on the beach staying in a hotel may get a little tiresome. So we wanted the opportunity to both relax and explore. The decision to stay in the UK or go abroad, in the end, didn't come down to money. Like I said, there are amazing deals to be had, so a dream honeymoon abroad can certainly be on the cards even with a smaller budget. But what did decide it was the fact we wanted to minimise any stressful encounters, like travelling on a plane for the first time with Darcie.

(Image Source)

We opted on a UK honeymoon, Cornwall to be exact. We have got a beautiful cottage in St. Ives, right on the front with sea, with views of the harbour and beach and a balcony. It wasn't cheap, but its in the UK so it will be familiar for Darcie. We adore St. Ives and Cornwall and knew it would be the perfect place for us to create some amazing memories and start our marriage in the best possible way. For us we didn't want to risk, being somewhere so unfamiliar that it would bring unnecessary stress. Of course if we were just Mr & Mrs and not a family of three, we would perhaps have chosen something more adventurous. I always imagined something like Thailand or Sri Lanka... Maybe one day when Darcie is a little older!

My top tips would be,

1) Decide on what you want from your honeymoon, relaxation, adventure or both?

2) Set a budget. Remember weddings are already expensive, be realistic with your budget. You don't want to start your marriage with any financial stress.

3) Choose a few of your ideal locations, weigh up pro's and cons for each. Perhaps try speaking to people who have previously visited for advice.

4) Once you have decided on a location, shop around for accommodation. Remember to work into your budget food costs, it may be worth looking at all inclusive options.

5) Depending on your location remember you may need vaccinations. Make sure you plan for this and allow enough time for these to take place.

7) Work on a daily budget for expenditures whilst you're there. It's easy to get carried away... (I'm guilty of this!!).

8) Be ready to make amazing memories, and don't forget to take a camera!

I'm really looking forward to our honeymoon, we still have a few things left to do, like arranging car parking (some of you may know spaces are limited) and creating packing lists. We have to be super organised here as we are leaving the next day after our wedding!

What would be your tips for packing for a two week family honeymoon?

Mummy B xoxox

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