Friday 6 June 2014

Chicken Pox Has Hit!

So my little munchkin has caught chicken pox! It's inevitable with children, especially if they interact regularly with other children. When I picked up Darcie from Nursery yesterday her key worker told me how the girl who she had spent most of the week playing with had caught chicken pox and to be aware. Well this morning she had a nice little collection of suspicious spots! 

At the moment she hasn't had much of an outbreak, they are mainly on her legs, belly and a couple around her neck, so fingers crossed she doesn't re-act too badly!

She has spent the day playing and resting with her Daddy, when I got home I was greeted to a water fight...

"A great way to keep her nice and cool" said Jamie. What actually happened was I was attacked by Darcie and I was the one who ended up getting "nice and cool".

Hope everyone else has had a great start to the weekend!

Mummy B xoxox

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