Saturday 19 April 2014

Easter Egg Hunt!

This morning we had our very first family Easter Egg Hunt!! It was super exciting, especially as we have never done one before. Its funny how when you have children your world opens up to so many exciting things!

Before we could begin me and my dad had the small task of setting up the Hunt whilst Jamie distracted Darcie. I had purchased a gorgeous set of signs especially for today and we were very kindly sent the chocolate from Lint

Even the bunnies had come out to play and left some of their carrots behind!

Once we were all set I gave Darcie her "bucket" as she called it and showed her the first sign. I explained to her that we needed to follow the signs and look out for eggs and bunnies and off she went!

We were so surprised how well she got the concept, she kept finding them and saying "hooray I got it!!", it was so unbelievably cute!

Of course once we had found all the eggs and bunnies, it was only fair to inspect the goodies...

Its fair to say, Darcie was a BIG fan of all the goodies! I'm so glad we decided to do one, it was the perfect morning!

After this we chilled in the sun, drinking tea and my Mum gave Darcie her Easter present, which included a fantastic Easter Bonnet which she demanded we make right there!

A big thank you to my dad  & step-mum, Sarah for hosting! It really was better than I imagined, already planning an egg and spoon race for next years!

Hope you're all have an amazing Easter weekend.

Mummy B xoxox


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