Sunday 6 April 2014

An Organised Weekend

The Easter holidays have started! This weekend has been spent organising the house, catching up with our to do list for the wedding and putting our feet up every now and then! 

We have lots of plans for the Easter Holidays, but mainly we will be at home spending time as a family. Me and Darcie will be attending the Next Blogger Network's kids event next week which I'm super excited about! Along with birthday parties, park visits, walks, crafts, and Easter activities, I also have some "me" time planned starting with getting my hair done tomorrow!! It will be the first time I have had it cut since I was 38 weeks pregnant! Scary! 

If you have any Easter Posts you would like to share, please feel free to pop them down below in the comments section as I would love to see what you're up to and perhaps get some ideas for Easter activities.

Mummy B xoxox

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