Tuesday 4 March 2014

The Mummy Tag

I have seen so many of my favourite "mummy bloggers" do the mummy tag, so I thought I would give it a go....

1. Are you a Stay at Home Mum, or a Working Mum?
I am a full time working mum, and I run this blog too... Time management is key!

2. Would you have it any other way?
No. At the end of the day, I would love to be at home with my girl, but I want to be able to be financially stable. I do work 5 days a week, but I work in education so thankfully I get the school holidays off too. The best of both worlds really! I do hate it when I hear mums say "being a mum IS a full time job", to me being a mum isn't a "job", well I don't see it as being a "job!"

3. Do you co-sleep?
Not intentionally - Darcie will wake every morning at about 4:30am and end up in our bed. We are completely happy with this, for now.

4. What is your one must-have item for your baby?
Hmm, that's a tricky one! One item that I was told countless of times that would be useless was my changing table... We have used it everyday since she was born and still use it now! It's the only place where she will lie still whilst changing her!

5. How many kids do you plan on having?
Two, I don't think I would want anymore than two at the moment.

6. Date night? How many nights per month?
Not enough. We're very lucky that my mum is very willing to babysit, I think we need to take advantage of that a little more ;) 

7. Your childs favourite show?
Sofia The First!

8. Name one thing you bought before you had your baby and never ended up using?
Breast Pump. We tried numerous times to express but it just never happened!  

9. Your child’s favourite food?
She goes through so many different fazes, at the moment she quite likes plums! 

10. How many cars does your family have?
One car and one motorbike

11. Weight gain before pregnancy, during and after and now?
Whilst pregnant I gained nearly 3 stone!! I'm now 2 1/2 stone lighter.... 7 pounds to go! 

12. Dream holiday with your kids?
It would be a trip to Disney Land Paris and the a drive down to the south of France. Two of my favourite places in Europe!

13. Dream holiday without your kids?
I REALLY want to go to Sri Lanka. 

14. How has your life changed since your baby has been born?
It has been an amazing roller coaster! I'm learning more patience, to be more calm and I'm still learning to let go of insignificant issues. It's been the best thing I have ever done.

15. Finish the sentence: 'It makes my heart melt to see … '
Jamie and Darcie playing, nothing I love more!

16. Where do you shop for your kids?
Mainly Next, Debenhams, Sainsburys and Morrisons for nursery wear.

17. Favourite makeup and skincare products?
Urban Decay NAKED pallete's!! They're amazing! 

18. Huggies or Pampers?

19. Have you always wanted kids?
Yes, when I was a teen I always wanted to experience child birth (weird I know)... Let's hope I get to experience that properly next time! 

20. Best part about being a mum?
Having this amazing little person in my life, she amazes me everyday. I feel so privileged to call her my daughter.

I would Like to tag all my fellow mummy's!

Mummy B xoxox

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