Monday 31 March 2014

Essen & Brugge

This weekend was a very special one, a weekend spent with my daddy! We took the over night ferry from Harwich to the Hook of Holland, then on to the Essen Car Show, stayed over night in Oberhausen and then spent the day in Brugge on Sunday before heading back home on the Eurotunnel. Sounds exhausting but it really was actually quite relaxing... at times!

So lets start our journey from the beginning. We left Friday evening to head down towards Harwich, being in South Norfolk it wasn't too far away. We planned to arrive at 9:15pm to then enjoy a meal and a bit of down time, queing up to hand over our passports, chatting away about our plans for the weekend, my dad opens his passport. Only to be greeted by by my step mums face....

We had to think fast, how were we going to resolve this situation? Was the weekend ruined? No! We managed to meet my step mum at a halfway point and then bomb it back to Harwich. We arrived as the gate was about to close!! But it was SUCH a relief that we made it, luckily we were driving in my dads 'other' car...

As you can tell my Dad is a car lover, hense the reason for this trip. In the morning after a lovely sailing across the channel, we made our way over to Essen in Germany to the Car Show.

The Car Show was impressive, I have been to many over the years and secretly really enjoy them. I mainly love to spend time with my dad, listening to him talk about things that he loves. I unfortunatly don't have much knowledge on cars... I just chipped in occassionly... 'I like that colour', I think that covers my knowledge of cars nicely! 

One thing  that I did take note of was that there was such a wide variety of people visiting the show. It was particularly nice to see families enjoying the day too. 

After spending the day drinking beer and eating bratwursts, we headed to our hotel in Oberhausen for a little chill out time, before heading out for dinner.

Just a little side note here... This weekend I wore this beautiful jacket from Next, such a versatile little jacket that I think is going to get a lot of wear this spring/summer!

On Sunday, we made our way to Brugge, an absolutely beautiful city! Here are a couple of pictures from the day...

In the main square we had an amazing meal, I had a beautiful beef stew in a beer sauce along with a cherry beer... I need to go back just for that meal!!

Wanting to see more of this beautiful place we opted for a little tourist boat tour, it was a great way to learn about the history of the town and appreciate the beautiful architecture. 

I have to say I was smitten with Brugge, I desperately want to go back with Jamie, perhaps later in the year so I can explore more.

I know what you're all thinking... Why did you not spend Mother's Day with your daughter? Well to be honest when we planned the trip I didn't realise it would be Mother's Day! I didn't mind to be honest, it was lovely to have some time with my dad and Jamie made sure I knew I am appreciated by sending my gifts and card with us for me to open on the morning (more on that in another post).

How did you spend Mother's Day? Have you ever been to Brugge?

Mummy B xoxox

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