Friday 21 February 2014

My week

This week has been half term, what should of been time spent recuperating ready for another half term at work was actually one extremely busy, and sometimes stressful week. My main plan for this week was to update our main bedroom and we have almost finished! Just need to hang a few pictures up, if you follow me on Instagram you would of seen a few sneak peaks! I will be doing an "official" post about it soon. 

This week was also spent in A&E. Whilst dancing with daddy (her new favourite thing) she pulled her elbow out of joint. She was so so very brave when they popped it back in. I think I may do another post on this, as it is something that is very common in under 5's due to the way their elbows form. She soon got treated to Toy Story 1,2 AND 3 all on DVD for her bravery! 

I have also spent some time with friends and family, not as much as I would've liked, but hey that's life. 

So finally, please please please except my apologies for no posts during this working week. DIY is knackering work! I have quite a few posts lined up including a new skin care routine for Darcie, clothes haul for little d, the main room reveal, a wedding update and finally a giveaway! 

Mummy B xoxox

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