Sunday 26 January 2014

Ordinary Moments #1

This week has been a very hectic week. I don't think there has been a day this week where I have felt like I have had any sleep. Don't get me wrong, Little d has been relatively good at night but each morning I look in the mirror and this tired women with hair that desperately needs cutting is staring back at me with very tired bloodshot eyes. But hey, I'm a full time working mummy of a 19 month old, who juggles a blog and is planning her wedding. I wouldn't expect any different. Would I?

Those bags totally give the game away!

Talking of my wedding, we had another meeting with the owners of our venue this week. More things have been put into place, a hairdresser has been found along with a car. More importantly we finally have chosen the food for the day. A few less things to stress about! 

Childcare has been a nightmare too. Darcie goes to a nursery one day a week, because Jamie works shifts we didn't want Darcie in full time if we didn't need to. So on the days where the shifts don't fit with my schedule, we have to arrange for more days etc etc. On this particular occasion nursery was full, and our usual back up plans also fell through. So the day before I was frantically coming up with other options. Luckily my lovely friend Lucy was able to help. I felt so incredibly guilty to ask as she has a gorgeous little 10 week old baby herself, up for the challenge Darcie spent the day "helping" Lucy look after baby Wills. I don't know about any other working mummy's, but I don't think the guilt of Childcare ever gets better! 

This weekend I have tried to wake myself up a bit. Going for a blustery walk Saturday before chilling in the evening. Sunday I spent some time with some more close friends, mummy friends, friends who make you feel like you are actually normal and the fact you look like poo every day is because you're trying to do your very best. This evening, as Jamie has worked all weekend, my Dad is taking me and Darcie out for dinner. Yummy yummy, get in my tummy! 

Watching the rain fall.

On another note, Darcie appears to be napping again, maybe she was going through a sleep regretion! This has definitely helped me feel like I am catching up, instead of always falling behind! 

How has your week been?

Mummy B xoxox

Don't forget you can follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook too. 

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