Thursday 16 January 2014

Moments That Mattered 2013

I wanted to do a recap of 2013, it was an amazing year and I thought why not share it with you guys.

2013 started slowly, nothing exciting happened in January and February. I had returned to work and so for me, it was mainly getting back into that work routine. I got very down. Riddled with guilt about leaving my baby girl when she was still so young. I soon got into the swing of things though. Plus we had a few snow days too which lifted my spirits.

The real excitement started in March. On Mothers Day, my very first, Jamie took me and Darcie to our university home, Kent. We had an amazing day going to our old haunts and discovering new ones. In the afternoon we went to Canterbury Cathedral where we graduated, and he then proposed.

I was so happy. You can read about our day HERE

Also in March we had our very first Easter as a family of three. A lovely family day full of fun.

My little squidge looks so happy here, looking forward to our next Easter together.

April was a busy month, I started to plan for our wedding day looking at venues and putting together ideas. But we made sure that we gave ourselves time to chill

May was definitely a day trip kind of month. We spent our weekends with family and friends on little trips to local attractions. Like Banham Zoo, Wells-next-to-the-Sea, Lowestoft, and making the most of the May half term. 

June was a BIG month. Darcie turned one. I spent ages planning for her special day and it was completely perfect. I was quite proud of myself!

In June we also said our final goodbyes to my Nan & Grandad when we spread their ashes on the Norfolk Broads, a bitter/sweet day. Lovely family time.

July was another amazing month, filled with date days and summer walks. The perfect way to start the summer holidays.

August was a big blog month. I won Next's Blogger of the month award and that was partly down to my post on Darcie's new room. I worked my butt off for that room and I was so pleased to get some recognition for it.

We also made full use of me being on my hols, trips to Southwold, our local city Norwich, and woodland walks.

September came around so quickly, meaning I had to go back to work from the summer holidays and I turned 25. It was a lovely day, we went to Southwold after I finished work and ate chips and walked along the beach - perfect. Let me just add here, 2013 seemed to fly by!

October, a gloomy month. But I did have some quality time with my girl, conker picking!

October also saw me attend my first blogging event. A little trip to London for Next's first blogging event featuring a couple of my blog and YouTube favs!

November we spent preparing for Christmas, having cosy nights nights in. We didn't need to venture far to have quality time. This was also the month where we had THAT car incident...!

Then lastly came December. Filled with Christmas markets, Darcie's first Nativity and of course Christmas. Who can deny that December is the time for family.

2013 was the perfect year for family time. These are the moments that matter the most to me, forget work or blogging, family time are the moments that matter.

Mummy B xoxox

This post has been inspired by 'Oh So Amelia's' competition in partnership with Lloyds Bank.

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