Sunday 5 January 2014

Blogs I Love #2

Since my last 'Blogs I love' post, my reading, likes and dislikes have all changed plus I have stumbled across a wider range blogs. So with that in mind I thought I would share with you my current favourites. I love reading these kind of posts as it helps those who are like minded stumble across some wonderful blogs to enjoy. So this is my part to spread a bit of blog love to you all!

First up is Oh so Amelia which is written by the lovely Kerry. Oh so Amelia is a parenting and lifestyle blog featuring her daughter Amelia, who is a very similar age to Darcie. This blog is beautifully written and is visually flawless, you can tell a lot of love goes into this blog which makes it one of my blogs I go to first  when wanting some blog time! 

Along the same vain and someone I found through doing one of Kerry's link ups, is Gingerlillytea, written by Keri-Anne. Keri-Anne is a professional photographer which make this blog very easy on the eye. This is a very very very new discovery for me. I'm talking only a couple of hours but I have already read back through loads of her posts! Her blog is beautiful, capturing family life at its best, I love how natural her photography is, you can't help but get sucked into her charming little blog world. 

Bump-to-baby, by Alex has been a favourite of mine since little Ethan was literally bump through to baby! Alex captures day to day life perfectly and her reviews are always a brilliant read giving just the right amount of information! I feel I can relate to Alex a lot too! 

Milk Bubble Tea, by Becky is up there with my favourites. Becky always seems to find the perfect little items for her house, her bedroom in particular I envy a lot! Definitely some interior inspiration here!! Another reason I love Becky's blog is her fashion posts, I'm not into fashion blogs as such but Becky creates the perfect blend giving little insights into her tastes without being a full on 'in your face' fashion blog. 

So my lovely readers what are your favourite blogs? Please leave links below so I can make some more lovely discoveries! 

Mummy B xoxox


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