Sunday 29 December 2013

Photography Talk

This Christmas I got a perfect gift from my Mum, a book all about my camera, the Canon EOS 600D. I have had my camera for over a year now, and still haven't mastered the manual settings. Until I got THIS book, the Canon EOS 600D From Snapshots to Great Shots, by Jeff Revell. 

I love how this book is written, it goes through everything that you could possibly need to know. What I particularly like is how on each picture he includes all his settings for that particular shot, great for amateurs like me!

As I grow more confident I would like to share with you some of the things I have learned, but for now what I would love to hear is your own hints and tips for photography, especially for taking great natural shots of children and also how you like to photograph products.

Mummy B xoxox  


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