Saturday 2 November 2013

October Round Up

October has been a busy one. Work wise I have been swamped both in terms of my real life job and blogging, so much so I fell down with a horrid cold/flu/virus which I'm still not really over, but as a mum when do you have time to rest?! 

I also had a fantastic opportunity to attend the Next blogger Network Workshop in London, which was amazing and has been a blogging highlight for me! I'm hoping to attend a few more events now I have built up my confidence a bit.

Family life has been lovely too, other than the fact we have all had colds we have managed to have some great days out. We even started our Christmas shopping getting Darcie a few little bits, I mean it's November now so I think it's ok to start building the hype (expect to see lots of Christmas posts from me in the coming weeks!!). 

For Darcie she has been a busy beaver too, spending time with her friends and learning lots of new words. She is even identifying colours correctly, she can say yellow, green, purple, pink and red and if I ask her, she can pick out those colours too, clever monkey! At nursery she also did a sponsored bounce where she had to take it in turns on the trampolin, sounds fun to me!! 

October has been a good month and I'm looking forward to what November holds - currently its looking like a good'n! 

What's your highlight for October?

Mummy B xoxox


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