Monday 11 November 2013

My Top Five Posts

Over the weekend I went through and read lots of my old posts. The reason I set up this blog was to try and capture special moments with Little d and I think I have managed to record some lovely things. Though sometimes, these posts get lost in my feed and not all of my lovely readers perhaps see. So I thought about linking my favourite 5 posts in a new blog post - so here we go...

1) Darcie's Birth Story - This was obviously a very special post for me. I think it captured the experience pretty well, it was very very traumatic and it was the birth that I never wanted. BUT almost 18 months on, I would do it all again in a heartbeat, and I'm sure one day I may! This post was written in one go, I didn't re-read, I just hit 'publish'. There is loads of mistakes, but I just wanted to pour my heart out. It was very therapeutic!

2) 'Things they don't tell you about birth and the first few days with your baby' - This post makes me giggle. I share with you my experiences and also the experience from some other mummy's I had met during my pregnancy. Worth a read!

3) 'Darcie at Two weeks' - Though this post is just a mini update, the picture of me walking Darcie is a special one. I was so cut up about having an emergency c-section, the first few weeks were incredibly hard, and that picture of me walking with Darcie felt like I was on the up! Doing something I love, walking our dog Lady in our favourite place. It was such a mini achievement at the time. I remember my best friend Chloe messaging me saying how pleased she was, as she knew this was something I had been looking forward to.

4) 'Our Little Lady' - This post tells the story of our other little girl, Lady, our wonderful Labrador. Lady plays a big part in our lives and is Little d's best friend.

5) Darcie's First Birthday - Again, obviously another special post. I put a lot of time and effort into her special day and I was very pleased with how it turned out! Can't believe that was nearly six months ago!

I hope you liked this post, and gives you a chance to find out a bit more about us! I'm thinking of doing this kind of post every now and then!

I would also love to hear what is your favourite post you have written, pop your links below!

Mummy B xoxox

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