Monday 11 November 2013

Lord of Misrule Bath Ballistic - A Lush Favorite

As a busy working mummy having some chill time is essential. Not only for you, but for the good of all those around you - no one wants a grumpy Mummy! With that in mind Jamie treated me to a couple of Lush goodies, one of which is my ultimate favorite, Lord of Misrule Bath Ballistic

This bath ballistic, named after the ruler of the Pagan Feast of Fools, is a limited edition Halloween edition (which I believe is sticking around until the spring thank god!). This bomb is a lovely green colour with a star embossed onto the front.

Once this bomb has dissolved it reveals a wine coloured centre. Now I'm not very good with scents but it contains Fair Trade vanilla, with earth scents of black pepper and patcholi oil. Now that doesn't sound that good, but it is a heavenly and quite sophisticated scent which sends me off instantly in a relaxed state of calm. Plus this scent lingers on my skin for a very long time and is also quite moisterisng! 

This treat sets me back £3.50, which I think is worth it every now and then for a bit of pampering!

Whats your favorite Lush Bath Ballistic?

Mummy B xoxox


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