Thursday 28 November 2013


At the weekend me, Jamie, Darcie and my Dad took a trip to the NEC in Birmingham to the Motor Cycle Live Show. Jamie has grown very fond of motorbikes and bought his first big boy bike last year. Darcie, like her Daddy, likes these beasts, she loves to sit on her daddies bike and gets excited whenever she see's one. So naturally, we had to go to the event.

Darcie on a speedway bike at the NEC 
(not sure she liked this one!)

First off Darcie was amazing, it took us just over three hours to get there and was very chilled during the journey, so good start to the trip! Whilst we were there, we came across a stall with toddler and children's bikes, all by KiddieMoto. I had herd of the company before and we wanted to find out some more information. 

These little bikes are balance bikes, but are also known as Ride On or Pedal-less bikes and are designed to be used by very young children. The child sits on the bike and moves by pushing along the ground with their feet. A balance bike does not have pedals or stabilisers, so children learn to balance and steer very quickly. At first, they ride with at least one foot firmly on the floor. As they become more confident, they'll start to lift both feet off the ground, scooting forward and balancing and occasionally dabbing a foot to the floor when the bike leans over. Soon they'll be balancing, learning and playing all at once. All the time, they are developing their motor skills and coordination, while having terrific fun.

These were also featured on Dragons Den, and when we were speaking to their representative these bikes were appealing more and more. I love the whole idea of learning to balance and ride a bike without the need for stabilisers, it seems to just make more sense!

They have a fantastic range, from a really beautifully designed wooden bike know as the Kurve range, through to a strong aluminium frame bike known as the KM Pro. As much as I love the beautiful wooden designs of the Kurve range, I feel the better option is the KM Pro which looks more hard wearing!

KM Pro


I was really impressed with the company, great idea, great designs, helpful staff and just wanted to share with my lovely readers especially now we are nearing Christmas!! 

Check out their lovely products HERE.

What are you wanting/got your little ones for Christmas this year?

Mummy B xoxox


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