Sunday 20 October 2013

Sunday Haul'in

A spur of the moment shopping trip ensued today. Which despite feeling cheekily pleased with my purchases I need to keep reminding myself that there are other things my money needs to be put towards (you know that wedding I occasionally blog about ;) ).

Anyway, the reason behind the the trip is down to me and Jamie deciding to go to London at the beginning of November to go to the the Alexandra Palace fireworks. Seeing as though I haven't bought Darcie a full winter coat, I thought I better had for this event! The coat I did manage to find was from Debenhams by Rocha Little Rocha, priced at £39.

I was instantly drawn to this coat, more because I wanted it!!! But considering I'm not Darcie size, I decided to let her look stylish in this unbelievably soft and fluffy coat - look at that lining!!! Another thing that made my day with this purchase was that when I got to the till they had an event on, 25% off coats!! Yippee, £29 this little beauty ended up coasting!

Also, whilst in Debenhams, Jamie spotted this gorgeous owl hat for £8. Not bad for a good quality hat.

Then while I was at the till, I spotted some socks, 5 for £6.

Then we took to trip to Lush, I wanted to browse their Christmas range, but naughty me ended up getting a few bath bombs. Lord of Misrule (a favourite of mine), Big Blue and Ickle Baby Bot.

Ickle Baby Bot, Darcie had the pleasures of this evening. She loved it!

Next something that Darcie is in need of, PJs! I picked up some very comfy and warm ones from Primark for £4, bargain!

Lastly, I very very very naughtily picked up the Naked Basics Palette. I have the original Naked Palette but I have hit pan on a couple of the shadows, so I wanted to give this a whirl! Priced at £20.

Hope you have all had a great weekend, I have one more week at work till I'm off for a week! Hurrah!

Mummy B xoxox


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