Tuesday 29 October 2013

Next Blogger Network Workshop

On Monday I had a wonderful opportunity to attend Next's Blogger Network's workshop at The Hoxton hotel in London. As I said in my previous post I have not been feeling too well, my silly cold has still not gone, that and the 'storm' was not going to stop me! All of the trains near to me had been cancelled. But luckily enough we decided to do down to London in the car and park up at Snaresbrook tube station and then tube it in. Jamie and Darcie went off and they did their thing whilst I soaked up all the wonderful tips given by the guest speakers.

Jumper and Necklace from Next.

So when I eventually arrived I was pleased to see that I was the first person there, I had made sure that I had plenty of time in case of delays due to the 'storm' (I say storm like 'storm' because as the country is so good at sensationalising everything, the 'storm' was not nearly as bad as predicted, I mean my hair was still curly upon arrival!). When I arrived I was warmly meet by Gemma who looks after the Next Blogger Network, who showed me where to put my coat and made me feel comfortable - exactly what I needed when this was my first event. Then I had the pleasure of chatting Ellie, also behind Next Bloggers Network who again made me feel completely at ease and made me a lovely cup of tea! 

My gorgeous shoes from Next

The venue, The Hoxton, was absolutely beautiful. The kitchen (we had the apartment) was to die for, would be my ideal kitchen any day! It had a quirky but comfortable feel about it and completely fit with the day and suited Next as a brand perfectly. 

Seating area

The garden room

After some introductions and some yummy food, it was time to get down to business, the first of the three workshops. In this first workshop we looked at website design and SEO, this was so interesting and has definitely given me some food for thought about getting the most out of google etc. The talk was lead by Diego Puglisi from Greenlight Digital and Faye Kent, discussing everything from coding and blog layout, SEO keywords and how to improve your Google ranking all things that I have quite limited knowledge about and so this particular workshop I believe I got the most from. 

Schedule for the day, I was in group 1
The second workshop was covering advertising, lead by Abi Marvel and Fashion Foie Grais discussing everything from what makes a successful blog, how to approach brands right through to making a living through your blog. Abi Marvel blew my socks off, can't believe how much she has achieved at the tender age of 21, so driven and determined. This workshop I found very intriguing, my blog has never been about making money, as I have said over and over again I find blogging somewhat therapeutic and I wonder if I began to try and monetise it, would that go away? Who knows, but making a living through something you love seems pretty good to me.

The third and final workshop looked at film and photography, lead by Lily Pebbles and Anna from Vivianna Does Makeup (two personal favourite bloggers and YouTubers) who discussed everything from which cameras and editing software they used through to how they managed a blog and YouTube Chanel. Also on the panel was StyleSlicker, someone who I wasn't familiar with but her work is outstanding, she takes beautiful beautiful photos and is someone who I am now following! 

Lily Pebbles & Anna from Vivianna Does Makeup

Along with meeting the fabulous speakers, I met some wonderful like minded bloggers. Particular special mention to Ash of Redvelvet Ramblings who kept me company during the day, go and check out her beautiful blog!! 

Gorgeous girl!

Finally check out the goodies from the day!

Comfy slipper socks, candle, notebook, pen, photo frame and lots of information. 

Thank you to all the people behind the Next Blogger Network who put on such a fantastic event, especially Gemma and Ellie who made me feel completely at ease all day. Look forward to more in the future :)

Mummy B xoxox

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