Thursday 31 October 2013

Little Henry Children's Toy Vacuum Cleaner

Little d loves to tidy, it's her new 'thing'. Although when I'm trying to vacuum with Henry it can get quite difficult when you your child is clingy on to the thing trying to 'help'. So when I discovered Little Henry, I was over the moon! This miniature version even has suction, and comes with a dust pan and brush (which is also proving popular) so she can help out mummy even more! 

This toy is lovely and compact, everything can be put inside the vacuum for ease of storage, something I think is great when you already have a gazillion toys!! 

It is a really well thought out toy, and does resemble the real thing,  which is fantastic as I can tell she feels really grown up. Whats more this is only £19.99. I think this would make a fantastic gift for Christmas, I know I would of loved it growing up. 

This little guy came from Argos who have a hole range of fantastic toys for all age groups, an whats more many of the toys are currently half price.

Mummy B xoxox

*This product was reviewed in association with Argos, all thoughts and opinions are my own

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