Friday 13 September 2013

Happy Week

This week you will have mostly found me with a smile on my face. Work has been fantastic and I am definitely enjoying my job again!! My Dad completed his cycle from Lands End to John O' Groats (see more about that on THIS post) and so I am immensely proud of him.

One of the main things that have made me smile so much is to see Darcie's vocabulary has grown. She was given some flash cards when she was first born but I had forgotton about them until the other day! Well since then she has been obsessed with them, to see her so keen to learn is amazing and she is really trying with certain words! This week alone we have had new words including...


I think over the next few weeks her vocabulary will grow even more!! I would totally recommend getting some flash cards if your little one is taking an interest in learning new words. Also reading to your child no matter how young is a great way to help with their vocabulary too :)

Mummy B xoxox

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