Wednesday 14 August 2013

Wish list August 2013

There has been quite a few things I have been lusting over of late. With us making some effort (finally) on our house and getting it just right, there has not been much room for treats (though getting our house just the way we want it is a treat so I shouldn't complain!), but lots of room for window shopping online! My 25th birthday (yikes) is next month so have been dropping some hints to Jamie *insert a cheeky winky face here...*

And thought why not share these with you?! Some of my favourite blogs include their wish lists and they are some of my favourite posts.

1. A beautiful tunic from Joules, I love Joules, their patterns are always so uplifting and easy to wear and I think this would be perfect for Autumn.

2. A nautical style jumper from Joules (there is a theme gathering here...), I love my stripy's and will look cute with jeans and tan pumps. 

3. A pair of Hunters black wellies. Jamie has a pair of them so I think its time I get a pair too!!!

4. A pretty bird print top from Joules (you can see where I spend most of my time browsing...), a perfect top for dressing up or down.

5. An Ipad. I have wanted one ever since they came out. But I know I may have to wait a little longer, must save!!

6. A GORGEOUS and comfy pair of tan pumps from Dune. I bought these in 2007 when I worked for Dune and I'm still wearing them but they have near enough had it... But I will repurchase these for sure!

7. Is the Hemnes Ikea bookshelf that I desperately want for our living room, we have other furniture from this line so will complete the living room! Bit of a random one I know!

Obviously I don't expect to get these any time soon, but I am trying to save so I can at least knock two down off my wishlist!

What have you been lusting over this month??

Mummy B xoxox

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