Friday 23 August 2013

My Dad is doing something utterly amazing for the wonderful charity EACH.

In just a few days my dear old(ish - he is 52) Dad is doing something utterly amazing for the wonderful charity EACH. He will be cycling 980 miles in 9 days from Lands End to John O'Groats. 

He has always been a lover of cycling, but I think this event would be a real test to ANYONE of ANY age, I know that I certainly would not even manage a 20 mile bike ride, sad but true. He has been training hard, fitting it around his work and busy lifestyle, all in aid of this event. He has also paid for the entire cost of this event himself so ALL money he raise will be given directly to the charity. 

As I said he is raising money for the wonderful charity of EACH (East Anglia Children's Hospice) who are local to us and provide fantastic care for children that have life-threatening conditions. My Dad has raised money for them before and visited their hospice at Quidenham, meeting staff and some of the children in their care.

I am not writing this post to badger people into sponsoring my Dad, but I am very proud of him and wanted to share with you this wonderful cause.

That being said if you would like to contribute the link that you will need is HERE and that will take you directly to his Just Giving  page.

Mummy B xoxox 


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