Thursday 29 August 2013

Darcie's Favourites...

So Darcie, I thought I would list all your favourites for you to look back on when your all grown up...

Favourite Food

You LOVE food. In fact there is very little you won't eat! You really enjoy your fruit though, bananas, raspberries and blueberries are your favourite. 

Favourite Word

You say Dadda a lot. Actually you shout DADDA a lot! Currently a word or phrase you keep saying constantly is "oh baby", it makes me and your daddy giggle!

Favourite Toy

Your cuddly Disney characters! Sofia and Lamby are high on the list. But to be honest you prefer to play with every day household items, like pegs the washing basket, remote control... you get the idea. Take note  Darcie if you ever have children of your own don't waste your money on fancy toys!

Favourite Book

You love your stories, you flutter between them on which ones you prefer. Some of your top ones are The Hungry Caterpillar,  Alice in Wonderland, Aladdin, Pride & Prejudice (baby version!). 

Favourite Activity

Either being at the park and playing on the swings and feeding the ducks or at home helping Mummy clean! You like to wipe up and dust and sweep the floor... I hope you have kept this up!

Love you Darcie B

Mummy B xoxox

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